Monday, April 18, 2005

Pre-Lim Proposal

I've done it. My ideas for pre-lims have been approved. I start May 8th (since that is when this hectic semester is over and done with!) and will submit my actual proposals before that. Here are my ideas which have been approved by my committee:

#1: Dr. Tim Newby

How is everyone teaching technology integration for pre-service education?

I want to document how other programs are teaching technology integration for pre-service education. I propose to find the different ways people are teaching technology integration in pre-service education across the United States. I will collect syllabi, websites, contact faculty/instructors through email, research papers, observations, etc… to find out the different ways and ideas people are using to implement technology integration courses. I will then construct a 20 page paper, documenting the different types and deciding on the best method, supporting this with evidence.

#2: Dr. Krista Simons

Create Publications; Get Published!

I want to be able to discover what it takes to create and submit publications based on previous papers written for classes and interest. I propose to create and submit publications from my proceedings paper at AECT 2004 (thesis) and my Motivation paper (with Pat – but I would do all the work to revise and publish) from EDCI 591T.

#3: Dr. Jennifer Richardson

Researchers continually explore more effective means in preparing pre-service teachers to integrate technology into their classrooms. This study will investigate preservice teacher perceptions of technology integration, as well as the development of their computer skills and technology integration skills. Through quantitative and qualitative data sources, this study will provide information for the design of a more effective preparation course where pre-service teachers will be more prepared to implement technology into their future curriculum and classrooms. I will analyze the data from this study and submit the completed paper to a journal.


1 comment:

Dr. David said...

Hello Anne,

Awsome prelim questions....lots of work ahead of you but I am sure you will do just fine.

Your blog page is very....."cute".
