Tuesday, April 05, 2005


So I begin on my blogging journey. I have entitled this page Innovations in Ed Tech, because (1) I am a doctoral student in Educational Technology and (2) I LOVE the new ideas. I'm constantly going to conferences to see what's new and how I can use it in my pre-service teacher education courses. To check out my website, click here.

This is my true passion-teaching an introduction to educational technology course- in short, teaching pre-service teachers how, why and when to integrate technology into their curriculum. The most amazing part is I can see the students really get excited when they create a WebQuest. Since it is the introduction to education courses as well, this course ties so much in, we are constantly leaving our students with their heads spinning. And I come back with, "But wait! There are so many other cool things to show them!"

However, right now I must leave the blogging world for tonight because I am horribly procrastinating on my paper which is due on Friday.

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