Monday, April 11, 2005

PAET & Graduate Interaction

Our student organization PAET (Purdue Association for Educational Technology) has recently conducted our real first election, and I have been elected President. I am so excited! We have so many amazing things planned. We are planning on applying for the Graduate Student Lounge and welcome any other graduate student organizations to join us in this quest. Our current ideas consist of activities to join graduate students together in a network forum. The concept of interacting with other graduate students in other programs would be one worth pursuing. It would teach us the meaning of collaboration outside of our immediate circle of academia. It would encourage outside thinking, much along the line of the new paradigm Reigeluth speaks of in his Instructional design theories book. By participating in research efforts with other programs, we are able to widen our scope and better prepare ourselves for the rigors of academia. In the summer, Purdue has plans to work with Syracuse University to study multiple teacher education technology integration programs. I am really looking forward to this study. Currently, one other graduate student and I are working on a brief look into what pre-service teachers want/need for a technology integration course.

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