Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Notes from PodCast Lectures

Expert mentorng -FAQs addressed by video.
Blog wiki?
Observations via video conferencing.
Teacher think alouds.
Electronic support system for training.
Portals, personalization,

podcasting to practice speeches and download and evaluate.

Choose you own adventure podcasts.

Think of technology and brainstorm.

Technology is a way to socially build knowledge.

Have exemplary technology teachers be distinguished speakers in 271.

Dissemination needs to be for research. Blog about findings. RSS.

classroom to lab to pactice. Kids are so much better and encourages then to be critica of education and incoporate into their own pedagogy.

Intellectual property is open source.

ideas by open source and interdiscciplinary. Not intellectual property.

Podcasting is a buzz word.

content aquisition is supported by content publishing.

look up edison services. Auto delivery. Sound sync tools.(tools for tours).

Audio the lecture. They respond with voice. Download and grade. Think edci 270 final.

Whats on your ipod.

ilife. Track intellectual progess. Digital archive of their lives.

Meta data

type in blog for meetings etc... Keep everything.

Carry less devices. Simple and effecive to track your digital stuff.

Think preschool and fingerpaints. Life ling storage. The role of archivoing to a system level.


What are the needs and realistic realities of the classroom.

Eett funds from government?

COSN AND ISTE. ETAN. Share best practices.

technology is a moving target. Think about society and competing with wolrds.

Expanding learning is to give up responsibility to students. Kids are more self critical. Better practices. Ask kids what they want to learn. Develop a placement cycle.

Just because they are connected doesnt mean they are uptodate.

Help school districts with marrying tech with curriculum, assessment, to make strategic decisions.

Technology is the catayst to change education. Transform todays school from yesterdays school to develop tomorows students.

universal and challanenge slider

The reason acot made it like new teachers is a complete overhaul. Whats better slowly introducing or emersion?

Acot was restrictive. All teachers facing similar problems. Computers were relativley new. Not really model of what tech integration looks like in schools.

Longitudinal studies of how teachers first sign up. Incentive interest shown the positive in stident achieve. Mandate.

Computers may be novel whicj could show ueof motivation.

You have to look at the individual as opposed to the organization.

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